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CCTV Cameras in the Workplace and Employees Rights

CCTV Cameras in the Workplace and Employees Rights

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CCTV Cameras in the Workplace and Employees Rights

There are at least 10,00,000+ CCTV cameras in Dubai, and most of them are installed on private premises, including workplaces. The deployment of CCTV cameras in the workplace has become routine, but not indiscriminate.

The UAE has an ample body of legislation regarding the way CCTV footage can be gathered and used in the workplace. This legislation aims to uphold both a business’ right to protect its interests, and its employees’ basic human rights to privacy and dignity.

How are these rights upheld, and what are the rights and obligations of an employer and its employees? Here’s a bird’s eye view of the subject.

Why Are CCTV Cameras Used in Workplaces?

Surveillance-related laws recognised that companies have a right to protect their legitimate interests. What are these legitimate interests that one could protect through video surveillance?

CCTV cameras have been deployed in a very diverse range of working environments, from small offices to busy industrial floors. And the reasons are more specific and, surprisingly enough, more diverse than “security”.

Staff and property security is, nonetheless, the most important reason. CCTV cameras are an effective way to protect your staff against assault and harassment.

CCTV cameras can also be an efficient deterrent against vandalism and property theft. And, if the worst happens, CCTV footage can aid in the police investigation and constitute evidence in court.

Improving workplace efficiency is another common reason. CCTV cameras can provide important information regarding the way company resources are used.

They can offer useful metrics about issues like overcrowded areas, or inefficient logistics or maintenance operations, giving management the kind of data they need to optimize day-to-day operation.

Enforcing health and safety or security policies is an unglamorous, but typical use case for CCTV cameras in the workplace. Policies and regulations related to safety or security are notoriously and subtly complicated.

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