NexGen Technologies LLC

Time Attendance System Dubai | Access Control System Dubai | NexGen Technologies LLC | Time Attendance System Dubai | Access Control System Dubai

Author: admin

  • Top 5 Benefits of Inventory Management System

    Top 5 Benefits of Inventory Management System

    To me, the benefits of inventory management software are very clear: Achieve efficiency and productivity in operations. Minimise inventory costs and maximize sales & profits. Integrate your entire business. Automation of manual tasks. Maintain customer happiness. 1. Efficiency & Productivity in Operations Keeping stock means tying up your money in them. You can’t spend this…

  • What Is Employee Self-Service?

    What Is Employee Self-Service?

    There’s a good chance your organization uses some form of employee self-service, even if you don’t call it that. Sprinter ESS, or Employee Self-Service, is simply a means for employees to directly access various forms of HR software and data. Typically, an employer will set up some type of employee portal, accessible either on the…

  • HRMS software benefits: 7 ways to help your business grow

    HRMS software benefits: 7 ways to help your business grow

    When it comes to Human Resources Management Software (HRMS), it’s easy to see only the costs and headaches of implementing the system. But there are distinct benefits HRMS software can bring to your company, notably saving money while tracking performance and eliminating redundant HR tasks. So, whether you’re looking to implement HRMS in your business…

  • How a Visitor Management Software Can Revolutionize Your Business

    How a Visitor Management Software Can Revolutionize Your Business

    What is a Visitor Management System? A visitor management software solution can help a company to resourcefully handle the processes of registering and guiding visitors in their premises. This tool can help businesses to save the costs of hiring specific employees for the purpose. In this article, we provide you details about what a visitor management platform can do…

  • 5 Ways to Better Manage Your Labor Costs

    5 Ways to Better Manage Your Labor Costs

    Labor costs generally account for the greatest percentage of money that’s being spent in order to run your business. That’s why managing labor costs is important when it comes to optimizing these costs and make sure that you are running a tight ship. This is especially true for small business, where money is usually fairly…

  • Sprinter Time &  Attendance Management Solution for construction and field crews

    Sprinter Time & Attendance Management Solution for construction and field crews

    [av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’Sprinter Time & Attendance Management Solution for construction and field crews’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading] [av_image src=’’ attachment=’5153′ attachment_size=’full’ align=” styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’][/av_image] [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’] [av_one_half first min_height=” vertical_alignment=”…

  • 11 Ways Sprinter Helps Your Business Succeed

    11 Ways Sprinter Helps Your Business Succeed

    1. Save Time and Money On average, businesses using Sprinter lower their payroll costs by 6%, cut the time it takes to run payroll by 3 hours, and increase the billable time on their invoices by 11%. 2. Stay Compliant Under UAE law, business owners are required to track time for ALL nonexempt employees and keep those…

  • How various Features of Visitor Management System boost Security?

    How various Features of Visitor Management System boost Security?

    A successful businessman has lots of things going on in his mind. He has to supervise all the administration and management tasks besides having team leaders and supervisors for it. Another important aspect that he has to worry about is the safety of his staff and office. It is very critical that the owner takes…

  • 4 reasons to invest in a cloud-based time and attendance software solution

    4 reasons to invest in a cloud-based time and attendance software solution

    [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Many businesses, large and small, have said good-bye to their antiquated employee time tracking system and have discovered the effectiveness of time and attendance software. Apart from simplifying the entire employee time management process, companies have realized many other benefits, including saving valuable time and money. If you’re considering implementing a…

  • Sprinter Mobile App

    Sprinter Mobile App

    The Sprinter Mobile Attendance Application with GPS Location Tracking is a robust app designed to streamline the attendance process for businesses of all types. Here are some key advantages of using mobile apps for attendance: Enhanced Efficiency: The Sprinter Mobile Attendance Application leverages the convenience of mobile technology to simplify and expedite the attendance tracking…